
In 2019 website is online and we hope to set up a community ! Join us on facebook page and please fill the contact form.

Facebook page

Here it is

French forum

French users can use UFP forum

Git source code

Git project is hosted here: Issues:

Developpers, how to contribute ?

    1. Install tools

mvplan is a java app build with apache maven, so you have to install java / jdk and maven, for example with linux

apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk maven

the first developper uses netbeans as IDE to develop mvplan, so you can install it from

    1. Download source code

if you don't have an account as official developper/contributor yet

git clone

    1. Open project

run netbeans and open project, netbeans will download some plugins if needed

    1. Modify code

so you're a developper :) if you don't know what to do you could have a look to issues:

    1. Build
    1. Try / test
    1. Commit

git commit -m "message, fix #bugnumber ..." -a

    1. Upload changes

git push

Translation platform

You can translate mvplan in your language :

Java project mvplan for pc and mac

mvplan sources could be found on github with no updates since 2013 ... so we make a fork from theses sources on a free and open gitlab instance thanks to framasoft : Issues:

Android project for mobile devices

aScuba was an adaptation of mvplan for smartphone (android) and could be found on github ... last update was in 2013, so we make a fork here :


Join us

So please send a email to, we need help to

  • translate the app
  • make a multilanguage website
  • contribute to source code
  • .../...